Webinar: Health, Arts, Parks, and Equity: A Toolkit for Practitioners

Join the Trust for Public Land for an introduction to the Toolkit for Health, Arts, Parks, and Equity (HAP-E), a new resource created for health, arts,
and parks practitioners. The Toolkit was created in partnership between The Trust for Public Land (TPL) and the National Association of County
and City Health Officials (NACCHO). It is built on the belief that health equity should be a goal for all sectors, and only then can everyone have
a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. The Toolkit offers a diverse array of practitioners the strategies to build toward health
equity using arts and culture and parks and open space. It includes guiding principles, case studies, and policy recommendations. The webinar will
build towards a meaningful conversation and workshop on how to apply The Toolkit in your local context.

After attending this webinar you will:

1. Understand the sources of health inequity and evidence for arts and culture and placemaking to build health equity

2. Identify best practices for leveraging the value of arts and culture and place in a variety of health contexts

3. Reflect on the first steps to integrating place-based arts and culture that is responsive to the dual health crises of COVID and systemic racism

Sep 1, 2020 02:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
