Webinar: Ending Campus Sexual Assault: Strategies for Research, Practice, and Policy
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 | 12:00 p.m. EDT

In August, the Department of Education is expected to publish final rules related to addressing sexual assault on college campuses. This webinar
will present highlights of a new Health Education & Behavior supplement with eight open-access articles on evidence-based strategies to
reduce risk factors for sexual violence in academic settings. Authors will present barriers, facilitators, and impact of organizing a campus
sexual violence prevention task force, as well as the development and use of an app to prevent sexual violence on college campuses. Hear from
the supplement co-guest editor regarding the implications of all eight studies in terms of future research, practice, and policy for campus
sexual assault prevention.

Learning Objectives:

4.4.7 Identify at least one implication for practice or policy from the campus sexual violence prevention journal supplement.

2.1.1 Identify at least one barrier and facilitator to collaborative efforts among various stakeholders in the development of a campus sexual
assault prevention strategy.

6.1.1 Describe the development and impact of digital media to engage college students in sexual violence prevention.