From Health Outreach Partners:

Ag Worker Health 102: Supporting Agricultural Worker Health

Please join the Farmworker Health Network for Ag Worker Health 102: Supporting Agricultural Worker Health. Health Centers serving the agricultural
worker community are adept at addressing the unique needs of agricultural worker patients and families by developing innovative and strategic models
of service delivery. Even with the recent national pandemic, health centers across the country have shown their ability to quickly adapt to meet
the new and expanding needs of their agricultural worker patients as traditional barriers to care have been exacerbated with COVID-19. In this
webinar, faculty will share information on the most relevant current agricultural worker policy issues. We will also explore effective service
delivery models that include recent adaptations due to COVID-19. Finally, faculty will highlight training and technical assistance (T/TA) opportunities,
resources, and promising practices to help support health center staff in the implementation of service delivery changes and adaptations when serving
agricultural workers. This webinar is developed and presented by the Farmworker Health Network, a six-member network of organizations with decades
of experience working with health centers to address agricultural worker health needs.

Jun 3, 2021 01:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)  -11am PST