Walk the Walk, a very timely documentary produced by SJSU emeritus professor Bob Gliner airs Wed. night, Sept. 9 at 6 PM on PBS station KQED+ (Comcast/Xfinity
10 or 710 HD) throughout the San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas.
10 or 710 HD) throughout the San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas.
While demonstrations around social justice issues have garnered considerable public and press attention, what is not so readily highlighted is the
work that needs to happen after attention has been drawn to an issue.How does social inequality actually get addressed?How does legislation get
passed and policies changed that may make concrete differences in people’s lives?
work that needs to happen after attention has been drawn to an issue.How does social inequality actually get addressed?How does legislation get
passed and policies changed that may make concrete differences in people’s lives?
Walk the Walk highlights a unique SJSU social action class that over a twelve year period successfully led efforts to raise the minimum wage in San
Jose, address college student homelessness and sought to enhance federal relief efforts around the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. The
film, which has been airing on many PBS stations across the country, is also available for streaming through the MLK Library.
Jose, address college student homelessness and sought to enhance federal relief efforts around the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. The
film, which has been airing on many PBS stations across the country, is also available for streaming through the MLK Library.