Writing for Publication Webinar Series

 The next is on 06/12/2024 at 11:00 AM (PDT)

Writing for scientific journals can be a daunting and overwhelming process, especially for practitioners.  In this hands-on workshop, you will explore why it is important to publish in the peer-reviewed literature; how to select a journal for publishing your work; steps in the publishing process; how to navigate online journal submission software; and maximizing the dissemination of your published manuscript. Examples from SOPHE’s three journals will be featured. Registrants should come with one or more ideas for a potential journal article as well as a laptop or iPad to explore various journal websites and publishing parameters.

In this webinar, participants will be able to:

1.List at least three variables to consider when selecting a journal for publication.
2.Describe the steps in the publishing process, including the peer-review process and reasons why manuscripts get accepted or rejected.
3.Identify at least 2 tips for overcoming writing roadblocks and working with co-authors.

Competencies that will be covered include:

1.2.3 Conduct a literature review.
4.4.3 Identify limitations and delimitations of findings.
4.5.1 Communicate findings by preparing reports, and presentations, and by other means.
4.5.2 Disseminate findings And/or 4.5.4