SOPHE Step-Up Pipelines Program Celebrates International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is almost here!

In honor of this year’s special day, SOPHE is hosting a special event. Join SOPHE and the Step-Up Pipelines Program as we celebrate International Women’s Day on March 4. There will be a mixer and virtual space for networking with the Step-Up students and SOPHE members! This will be a great opportunity to connect with colleagues and friends.

Each year, International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 with the focus on women’s rights, including: gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence & abuse against women. It is an international day that celebrates women who have made great achievement on the social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. It is a day to spread awareness and empower others in creating a gender equal world that is inclusive and equitable. And it is a day to advocate for a world that welcomes diversity, equality, and opportunity.