From SOPHE National

As you may have seen…SOPHE’s 2020 Advocacy Summit is going virtual! Conference dates: October 13-14, 2020 and Virtual Hill Visits
will take place October 19-23, 2020Conference theme: Celebrating 70 Years of Advocacy

Priority Area:The Effects of Climate Change on Health: Learn how climate change is impacting infectious/chronic diseases, especially
impacting vulnerable populations and social justice issues


To honor SOPHE Chapters participation at the national level, national SOPHE has again set up a way for those individuals who are current local Chapter members but not a national SOPHE member to
get a discount off the non-member registration price for the SOPHE annual conference.


  • 20ASCHPPRO– For Professional Chapter members ($160 off);This code is ONLY valid used on the Non-Member Professional rates.
  • 20ASCHPSTU– for Student Chapter members ($90 off);This code is ONLY valid on Non-Member Student rates


This code should be entered at the end of the registration process – when you get to your Shopping Cart. There is a field called PROMO CODE.


Please pass this on to all your chapter members – encouraging them to attend the virtual Advocacy Summit in October.

Please note that the national SOPHE office will not provide this code to individuals, as we have no way of tracking or confirming
chapter membership. Instead, we will encourage anyone who wants to use these code to contact their chapter leadership to get the promo codes.


If you have any questions you can reach out to me or the national SOPHE office.

Phone: 202.408.9804 or email:

Thank you for all your work on behalf of your Chapters and we look forward to seeing many of you virtually in October!


Thank you and let me know if you have any questions.




Heather Flattery, MPH, CHES®

Manager of Membership & Marketing

House of Delegate SOPHE staff liaison

Membership Committee SOPHE staff liaison


Society for Public Health Education – SOPHE

10 G Street, NE, Suite 605

Washington, DC 20002

Phone: 202.408.9804 ext. 150