Facilitating Productive Conversations on Race and Public Health in the Classroom, An Online Event – January 14, 3:00 PM ET
ASPPH’s Education Advisory Committee, under the banner of ASPPH Presents, invites all undergraduate and graduate faculty members to an interactive,
electronic hallway conversation on race and public health on Thursday, January 14, 2021 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Eastern. Entitled, “Facilitating Productive
Conversations on Race and Public Health in the Classroom,” the online event is targeted both to undergraduate and graduate faculty looking to improve
how to facilitate authentic and productive conversations on race and public health in class discussions. The aim is to surface conversation enablers
and barriers to meeting colleagues and students in an open, friendly, respectful, and growth-oriented space in discussions of race and public health.
The event is free and open to all.
Education Advisory Committee chair, Dr. Shan Mohammed (Northeastern) is moderating and Committee member, Dr. Hillary Nelson (Penn) is facilitating.
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Kauline Cipriani (UNC), member, ASPPH Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee and also of the ASPPH Diversity
and Inclusion Section, and member, ASPPH Task Force on Zero Tolerance for Discrimination, Harassment, and Racism in Public Health, to join as a
speaker. Details and registration.